i had nothing to do tonight and had to stay busy so i scanned the other jam comic, my favorite one. this one was drawn by jeff, ryan and i. then mark, peter and elayna (huh, sp?) helped color it. some interesting themes, hmmmmmm. i like the coloring more with the straight colored pencils.
i got it to work i think. this one was done by jeff peter ryan and keith (me). it's kind of blurry and hard to read in some places cause it was pretty bumpy from being wet. we thought water color pencils would look really cool/funny. oh also, there's some swears.
no new one. we've got a strip that's part way done that should be up by next week. i don't think we can do it weekly. if we keep doing it it'll be really slow for a while. i did find the jam comics though. i scanned one of the two that was scan able but i'm having trouble uploading it. i'll try again later tonight.