Finally got around to putting this thing up. This recording was written at two weird times. Here's an overlong explanation because I'm unemployed and sentimental, if you like that kind of thing:
The music was written on a broken twelve string I found in the trash on a 15 minute break at work using a couple leftover Fox Council riffs to get started. Ryan and I practiced a few hours later and I came up with two lines I repeated for every song. Then we played a show opening for Stable Comings (the first one at One World).
About a week later we recorded them in the garage of the Pink House in Moscow. I dubbed a bass track too but I don't know what happened to it. I hadn't played any music in at least a year besides recording myself breathing into a re-verb pedal or some shit in my room. About a month later we started Tim Blood so it was kind of forgotten.
Eight months later when I got back to Moscow I moved into the garage of the Pink House then slowly leeched my way into the house. I remembered the recording and decided that finishing it was probably the most important thing I could be doing. Let's see I kind of lost my momentum; I wanted to say something about how I was feeling when I wrote the lyrics. I wrote lyrics in this notepad I had written a bunch of shitty lyrics in while traveling. The lyrics that ended up in the songs were the best of the bunch. I finally threw the notebook away a few months ago.
Um, I was feeling weird all the time. Really good and really bad. I would stumble home after hanging out for days and days, walk into Tim and Bethany's room, drop my pants to my ankles and fall asleep. Compared to my whole life that was pretty atypical behavior. When I would wake up in the late afternoon I'd go into the garage and blast music with garage door open. It felt pretty cool. Right outside the garage was a huge hill and then some shitty apartments beyond it that I liked to look out at. I'd sit there and try to write positive lyrics while everyone else was at school.
The first song is about driving back and forth from Seattle to Pullman and then playing some Loose Cannons shows. The title "Angry Suns" was the working name of the band when we first recorded. I think it was a play on the Indian Summer song "Angry Son" which I was listening to everyday, but "Angry Sons" sounded too goofy at the time.
The second one was about not being a wuss all the time or something. Also about realizing I could be equally miserable or happy almost anywhere.
The third one was about sleeping all day I think. I must have enjoyed it cause it's called "Good Day". The long quiet acoustic guitar part at the end was recorded at this time too.
The fourth one was about waking up for a split second and seeing snow out of the huge windows that took up the whole southern wall of the bedroom, then waking up later that day to no snow on the ground. I'm pretty sure the third and fourth song were written as one song initially but maybe not.
I felt like the last song needed more lyrics and syllables than the other four but had run out of anything at all good in my notebook or head. I tried to get Ryan to write some but he was too busy with school so I just left it.
As soon as I finished it I put it on the internet. I felt pretty good about it. I decided to call it Fox Council cause a few of the riffs were written right after we recorded the first Fox Council and I get nostalgic. A little while later we somehow played a show with Microbabies with Ian on bass. We tried to do the end part of the third song but fucked it up. Other than that it went well. I missed Microbabies because I immediately left to go to Seattle with Peter, but that's a whole other story (involving Kurt Cobain!).
I didn't realize how short it was until I listened to it months later. I think initially I'd had some idea about screamo songs with grind mini-song structure or something silly, but I forgot that pretty quick and it just felt right to end a song after ten seconds or whatever.
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