Monday, July 16, 2012

Whooooooo, Hooooooo!

Three things:

1. We're leaving for tour next weekend with Art Fad and Clyde Webb. It's gonna be pretty big. Here's the details:
We're gonna play shows, we're gonna goof around, we're gonna sell tshirts and all the other band stuff, we're gonna get sick of each other, etc.

2. There's gonna be a tape ready for the tour with our new "Spring Break in Hell" ep on one side and some other unreleased stuff on the other side as well as the "X Mass" ep which was never physically released. Some of the songs have been gestating for almost 9 months now but it's finally coming together. Wouldn't have wanted it premature or some shit.
The ep will make it onto the internet sometime after tour and all the other stuff will make it on there eventually as well. Also, we'll have cds of the "Summer of Our Discontent" album if you want with a brand new lyric sheet!

3. 1D is coming to record today.

Potential album cover? (photo by Mark (Dad) F.)

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